The Map

Here is the map I created of  the land where Calon's story takes place. As the story continues into the second book (Shield Of The White Sea), many more of these place names will be involved.  I wasn't sure how decipherable the map would be if it was recreated in the book as it may have been too small to be useful.  I find it an invaluable aid to help me visualize the geography of events - but I love maps!

Narfi/Calon's story begins in the top right corner - his home is marked - and the events in Eagle Heart spread gradually west from there.  I would very much appreciate any feedback about the inclusion/non-inclusion of the map. 

Penrhyn, the exiled home of the Marwolleth, is an inhospitable peninsula of mountains and pine forests. If you see parallels with Wales in that I could only admit that you're correct.

The whole island is situated some way from a continent to the east, echoing the relationship between the British Isles and Europe.  Much further to the west is another continent, known to the Celtyth as The Western World - a sneaky reference purloined from Thin Lizzy's third album - Vagabonds Of The Western World.




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